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Extratime Plaster Retarder: A Plasterer's Best Friend

Extratime Plaster Retarder by Eazymix

As a plasterer, you know the importance of working efficiently. But sometimes, the clock is against you. That's where plaster retarders come in, and Extratime by Eazymix Ltd. is a popular option. What is Extratime Plaster Retarder? Read on to find out.

In this blog, we'll delve into Extratime Plaster Retarder, exploring its benefits, how to use it effectively, and some things to consider before making it your go-to product.

Benefits of Extratime Plaster Retarder

Using Extratime Plaster Retarder to slow plaster setting times

  • Extended Working Time: The main advantage of Extratime is its ability to slow down the setting time of your plaster mix consistently. This gives you more time to work with the material, allowing you to:

Take on larger sections without rushing

Giving more time for a smooth finish

Get your first coat on before the plaster sets

  • Reduced Stress: When you're not battling the clock, plastering becomes a less stressful experience. You can focus on the quality of your work and avoid the pressure of finishing before the plaster stiffens

  • Fewer Mixes: With extended working time, and mixing larger batches that stay workable for longer, you can reduce the number of times you need to stop and re-mix.

How to Use Extratime Plaster Retarder?

Extratime Plaster Retarder is supplied in single use sachets. One sachet for 1 x 25Kg bag of plaster. Simply add the contents of the sachet into clean cold water and whisk until fully dissolved. Then add plaster as normal.

Using Extratime Effectively

Here are some key points to remember when using Extratime:

  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions: Be sure to use the correct amount to achieve the desired setting time.

  • Mix thoroughly: For consistent results ensure Extratime is fully dissolved in cold water before adding your plaster.

  • Consider working conditions: Temperature and humidity can affect setting times. Factor these in when determining how much Extratime to use and when to use it.

Why Extratime Plaster Retarder?

There are a numerous techniques  available to plasterers for slowing down the setting time of plaster. Extratime Plaster Retarder however is the only one that has been recommended by City & Guilds in their level 1 and 2 plastering courses. It is the only one to have been extensively tested to BS EN 13279-2 : 2014 for flexural strength, hardness, adhesion and compression strength to ensure the finished plastered wall is not affected. And most importantly Extratime has been extensively field tested for over 10 years to provide consistent results every time, guaranteed.

Things to Consider Before Using Extratime

  • Impact on finish: Extratime has been tested in UKAS accredited laboratories to the latest British standards.  The product does not impact the finish or structural properties of the plaster. For all retarders, if in doubt, experiment on a small area to see if it affects your desired outcome

  • Not a substitute for proper planning: While Extratime offers more time, it shouldn't be an excuse for poor planning. Always plan your workload effectively to make sure you get the job done in the most effective way. 

  • Not suitable for all applications: For certain tasks, like patching small holes, the extended working time might not be necessary.

  • Very Large or Complicated Areas: Extratime Plaster Retarder has been designed to help with very large ceilings and walls

  • DIY and Beginners: It is also great for DIYers and beginners as the extra time it provides reduces the stress of getting everything on the wall and flattened before it sets.

Where to buy Extratime?

Extratime is available from all major builders merchants and online


Extratime plaster retarder can be a valuable tool for plasterers, particularly those working on large projects or wanting more time to achieve a flawless finish. However, it's important to use it strategically.

Extratime is available from Wickes, Travis Perkins, Selco, B&Q, Huws Gray, JT Atkinson, JT Dove, MKM, and online through TW Wholesale and Plasterers 1Stop Shop.

Browse our range of plaster additives and scrim here or contact us today for more information.

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